Deep Dive Book Club

learn to focus on the things that matter most to you without all the overwhelm

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From fostering stronger communication and deeper connections to cultivating a shared sense of purpose and resilience, these habits provide a roadmap for creating a harmonious and thriving family environment. You’ll discover practical strategies for resolving conflicts, nurturing trust, and instilling values that will resonate for generations to come. Embrace the power of these habits and watch as your family transforms into a resilient, cohesive unit capable of overcoming any challenge that comes your way.

Join the Deep Dive book club as we apply the concepts of “7 Habits of Highly Effective Families” by Steven R Covey to your home.

Yes! I want to do only the things that really make a difference!

You can confidently align your life with what truly matters

Here's a small sample of the blessings you'll receive from the Deep Dive Book Club:

– Just 1 book for 6 months allowing yourself time to take action on the things that you learn.

– Low time commitment yet huge growth potential. Even if you don’t have time to do all the reading for that month, you’ll still gain SO MUCH from the discussion.

– Led by a certified creation coach who will guide you through the discussions and assist you in setting small and simple goals that will have a great impact in your life and family.

– A safe space for members to express their feelings and thoughts, and to receive support from others going through similar experiences.

– Expand your mind, foster lifelong friendships, and create a community of moms who want to live their best life. 

– Exclusive Facebook group to continue the discussion, share weekly progress, and insights between meetings. 

Dates we meet:

Every 2nd Monday at 11am PST