The Divine Confidence Program for Spiritual Nutritionists


You’ve promised yourself to faithfully do what the Lord asks of you, yet you find yourself wrestling with familiar struggles – feelings of unworthiness, a fear falling short, feeling overwhelmed of all that’s asked of you, and the relentless striving to do things perfectly. Despite your sincere dedication to serving the Lord and lovingly taking care of your family, these challenges persist. In the quiet moments of reflection, you might catch yourself wondering: Will I ever be enough? Can I truly find peace and joy in the midst of all that I have to do?

Don’t miss out on the joy that serving the Lord brings. It’s about embracing transformation, expanding your capacity for resilience, and intentionally cultivating joy as you spiritually nourish others. Rather than focusing solely on your weaknesses and struggles, it’s about embracing the journey of growth, recognizing your divine worth, and aligning your thoughts and actions with the grace that surrounds you.

Discover the Divine Confidence Program and find out how you can go from just reacting to life to intentionally serving with joy and love.

Does any of this sound like you?

  • Constantly Wondering if You’re Doing Enough

    Battling that constant sense of not measuring up, no matter how hard you try. And overwhelmed by the nagging fear that you might not meet the expectations placed upon you.

  • Overwhelmed By So Many Responsibilities

    Juggling a barrage of responsibilities that leave you feeling stretched too thin and downright exhausted.

  • Chasing an Unattainable Perfection

    Feeling the weight of trying to do everything perfectly, even when it feels impossible.

  • Life Feels Like a Routine, Not Joy

    Experiencing a lack of fulfillment as you go about your daily routine without true joy. Reacting to expected situations vs intentionally using your agency to respond the way you want to respond.

  • Anxious About the Unknown

    Feeling a constant sense of unease about what more might be asked of you in the future.

  • Running on Empty

    Drained and depleted, struggling to find the energy for your family and church responsibilities.

If yes, and you’re tired of it – join me, and let’s break free from these everyday pains and embrace a faithful life full of purpose, resilience, and intentional joy.

Hi there –

I’m Karen

As a child, I really struggle to use my voice being seen and heard terrified me.

I sure was not someone who would share my testimony on camera, serve a mission where I would lead groups of people around temple square, or facilitate a class for the youth on Emotional Resilience,

but the Lord saw something in me and I began to believe in myself.

The Lord instilled in me a desire to guide others. He led me to obtain a bachelor’s in psychology and to then go on and become a certified life coach and NLP Master Practitioner. He continues to guide me as I seek to continually improve my mind so that I can then share the things that I learn and be a guide for you.

I know that secular coaching programs are not enough.

A faith-based coaching program is needed to break free from self-doubt and to confidently step into the divine roles that the Lord has in store for you.

And so, that’s what I’ve created. A program centered on connecting with God, and giving you practical tools to tackle the struggles that hold you back. From battling that constant feeling of falling short to juggling an overwhelming load of responsibilities, the Divine Confidence Program is designed to help you overcome these challenges.


The Divine Confidence Program

No more chasing perfectionism or just going through the motions; this program is your guide to believing in yourself and finding genuine joy in your daily life. It’s time to let go of anxiety about the future, stop running on empty, and embrace a life where you confidently handle family and church responsibilities with renewed energy and purpose.

Join my 3 Month Coaching Program

Week 1: Understanding Your Why

Dive into why it’s crucial to understand the significance of nurturing divine self-worth. Gain insights into how this understanding can profoundly impact your spiritual growth, overall well-being and ultimately the world.

A worksheet and also guided meditation offer personalized tools for you to deeply explore the importance of nurturing divine self-worth, fostering greater self-awareness, clarity, and strength in your journey of embracing your self-worth.

Week 2: Discovering Your Divine Self

This week is about gaining clarity as you explore who you are and who you aspire to become as a daughter of God.

Guided meditation, scripture cards, spiritual gift guide will be your companions, unraveling your spiritual gifts and recognizing God’s presence in various aspects of your life.

Week 3: Reclaiming Agency for Hope and Change

In this pivotal week, reclaim your agency as a powerful force for hope and change in your life.

Growth mindset affirmation cards and a “Claiming My Agency” journal will serve as tools for reinforcing your belief in your ability to shape your life and take proactive steps towards a brighter future.

Week 4: Breaking Barriers – Clarity Unveiled

Clarity is the key to overcoming obstacles. Dive deep into understanding the barriers that hinder your progress.

Exercises to identify where you are going and what you will do to get there as well as a workbook on limiting beliefs will provide a clear perspective on what’s holding you back and how to overcome it.

Week 5: Transformative Self-Talk

Engage in a transformative journey of self-talk. Embrace your role as an agent with the power to choose and act, and redefine your internal dialogue to cultivate a mindset that aligns with your divine purpose.

Workbook and guided visualizations will empower you to transform negative self-talk into affirming thoughts.

Week 6: Overcoming Perfectionism through the Atonement

This week guides you through the process of embracing imperfection and is designed to overcome the burdens of perfectionism. Learn to view failures through the lens of the Atonement, fostering self-compassion and allowing room for growth.

A quick reference guide will help you in reviewing at a glance through the process of overcoming perfectionism.

Week 7: Small Steps, Big Changes – Habit Creation

Explore the transformative power of small and simple things. This week empowers you to make lasting changes in your life.

With goal cards and an in-depth ebook on positive habit creation, learn to set achievable goals and create habits that align with your divine identity.

Week 8: Balancing Self-Care with Trusting in the Lord

Discover the harmony between prioritizing holistic self-care – encompassing physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being – and embracing the belief that you are capable of achieving beyond your perceived limitations, guided by faith in the Lord’s plan for your life.

A self-care planner and self-care journal provide structured tools for you to prioritize your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, fostering a balanced approach to self-care while nurturing your trust in the Lord’s plan for your life.

Week 9: Recognizing Your Progress and Success

Shift your focus from perceived failures to recognizing your achievements. By understanding that you’re doing better than you think, cultivate a mindset of abundance and success.

Tools like the 3 Wins Journal, check-in worksheets, and activities for reframing thoughts will help you acknowledge your progress and celebrate the positive steps you’ve taken.

There will also be two Rest Weeks during the program. We will use this time to catch up on any missed exercises, prioritize self-care, and recharge your mind, body, and spirit, and to strengthen relationships with God and family.

You walk away with a personalized journey, crafted for your spiritual growth, while truly gaining the confidence to overcome self-doubt and fear, allowing your divine light to shine and embracing God’s plan for your purposeful life.

Divine Confidence Program

$900 $725
  • 9 weeks of group coaching
  • Meditations, Scripture Cards, Workbooks and more
  • Free Divine Worth Journal (Digital Copy)

Navigate Self-Doubt and Fear: Embrace Your Calling with Confidence as you make a Meaningful Difference as a Woman of Faith.

Stop allowing the world to leave you feeling like you are not enough.

Feel more empowered and self-assured as you step into the divine roles and callings God has prepared for you.