Joy in Creation

a 3 month group program for LDS women of all ages to feel joy as they step into their divine role as a creator of their lives

Do you find yourself believing that you aren't good enough?

Do you feen unheard and unseen?

You are doing so much for others, but feel like they just don't see it.

Struggle to maintain healthy habits?

You are used to not taking time to yourself and as a result have struggled to maintain healthy habits.

Feel burdened by all the responsibilities and trials of life?

Life is a struggle and you crave more of the rest that Christ promises

How would your life be different if:


Joy in Creation Program

Are you someone who wants to step into the divine identity and purpose the Lord sees in you?

Not only will this program guide you in seeing your divine identity and purpose, but here are a few amazing things about this program:


4 Certified Creation Coaches

Habits That Last

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Here is what's inside the Program

You will learn how to use your agency and be a creator rather than a participant in your life. You will connect with you true divine self and gain confidence in what you can accomplish.

You will finally create lasting habits, eliminate limiting beliefs and develop heroic courage.

You will see just how much you are making a difference in the world and develop habits that will assist you in showing up the way that you want.

You will develop fundamental habits that guide you in being more present, grateful, joyful, and prosperous.

are you ready to embrace your true self and live with more light, joy and belonging?

$300 plus an additional $33.33 for the app

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what's included and how it works

$300 plus an additional $33.33 for the app

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Meet Your Creation Coaches

Jen Fagergren

I live in Tucson with my husband and four children. I love playing tennis, running, fitness, nutrition, teaching seminary, and learning all truth related to the gospel of Jesus Christ and self improvement. 
I earned a bachelor’s degree in family and human development from the University of Utah and am currently working on earning a Masters Degree in Executive Coaching and Consulting (Life Coaching) from Concordia University Irvine’s Townsend Institute. I am a certified Dig Specialist and a certified Creation Coach from the Creation Coach School. 
I excel in helping women like you overcome the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from having inner peace, better relationships, and from achieving your goals. I’m passionate about supporting you in choosing habits and beliefs that will propel you forward into living in your true identity as a creator of your life. 

Karen Papin

I’ve grown from being a shy child who wouldn’t say a word to stepping outside my comfort zone each day to inspire others to see what they are capable of. I’m also a mom with kids (ages 9, 7, 5, and 21 months) who are so similar to the child I once was and I am seeing them learn, grow and thrive.

I have been studying personal development for over 20 years. I obtained a bachelor’s degree in psychology from BYU-Idaho and a certified life coach and Master NLP practitioner from the INLP Center and a certified Creation Coach from the Creation Coach School. I now get to have amazing conversations that guide women to step into their divine worth and potential.

Leah Harris

I am a piano teacher of over twenty years. I love cardio fitness, hiking, swimming, and being in the outdoors. I also love meeting and getting to know people. I have a passion for learning and teaching about self improvement and truths found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  
I earned a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. I am a certified Creation Coach from the Creation Coach School and a two-year member of Jody Moore’s Be Bold program. 
I love spending time with family and friends. My husband and I are both from Colorado, but currently live in Tucson, Arizona. I am a mother of five children and find joy in motherhood and spending time with my family. 

Mary Kelly

I am a mother of five amazing sons and two amazing daughters who have given me more than 20 grandchildren and one great grandchild. My entire life has been dedicated to service to family, the Lord, and to as may people in the world that I’ve been able to help in any way possible over the last 80 years. Before I started a family, I was a school teacher. Learning, growing and teaching have been a lifelong passion for me. I love Jesus, the scriptures, family, cooking, exercise, and serving. Life coaching for me combines all of the topics that I’m passionate about and hold so dear – family, spirituality, education, growth, compassion, and self awareness. I’m Creation Coach Certified from Brooke Snow and completed a life-coaching class with The Dig. Through my education, certification, and personal life experience I help women adjust thought patterns, deal with pain, nurture understanding, and make choices that bring peace, freedom and joy.

Is Joy in Creation Right for you?

Wondering if Joy in Creation will work for you?

The Joy in Creation IS for:
Joy in Creation is NOT for:

$300 plus an additional $33.33 for the app

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Most frequent questions and answers

CoCreate is a meditation app. You can also access many of the lessons from Brooke Snow’s Creation course within the app.

We do not own the app. It is a tool that we are using to give a greater depth to the program, including the meditations and lessons on the app. 

You will need to sign up for the app separately if you decide to use it, which we strongly recommend.

Yes, you can just use the app. However, you’ll miss the accountability, depth and new insights that this group will provide. 

We will dive deeper into how to apply the lessons into your life, share more spiritual insights, and coach you on what you learn. You won’t just be hearing the lessons but actively participating in a way that will make a difference in your life. 

Another way to look at it is to ask yourself, “How long have I been struggling on my own?” With this program you aren’t doing it alone but will receive additional insight and support.

No, you do not. However, we do strongly encourage you to do so. There are so many amazing meditations, yoga exercises, and lessons on the app that will greatly enhance your experience in the program.

Yes, there is a scholarship opportunity available for young women and young adults (ages 12-25). To apply for the scholarship, please email Karen at explaining why you are a good fit for the program/scholarship. Entries must be received by Friday, May 5th.

The program will be 3 months/12 weeks long.